Pet Sitters, Inc.
Pet Sitters, Inc.

Personalized to You and Your Pet

We'll find a private home for your pet in 3 easy steps

1. Via a phone interview, we get to know the personality, lifestyle and health of your pet.


2. We attempt to match your pet with one of more than 35 sitters in our network.


3. We provide you with the sitter’s phone number and we encourage you to take your pet and meet your sitter before you depart.

Sitters are available seven days a week for drop-off and pick-up; we just request that you work with the sitter for convenient times. All services such as feeding, medication, playing, petting, and loving are included in our fee.


Pet Sitters, Inc. is committed to providing the ultimate care for the pets of the St. Louis.

Why Pet Sitters, Inc.

We're the original Pet Sitting service, having provided 170,000 nights of care since 1982.


About Pet Sitters, Inc.

Founded in 1982, Pet Sitters, Inc. sets the standard for pet care in St. Louis.


Contact Us Today

Phone: (636) 227-4411

41 Years of Service

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© Pet Sitters, Inc. 2024